Application for access to SweLL data

SweLL - Swedish Learner Language (

Språkbanken Text (SBX) at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, is responsible for management, maintenance and access administration of the SweLL data. The SweLL data comprises

- pseudonymized essays written by second language learners of Swedish (502 essays in SweLL-pilot collection and 502 essays in SweLL-gold collection) and

- personal data about the writers, see

Please read each statement in the application form carefully, and fill in the answers accordingly. By pressing submit you agree to us processing your information for the purposes of the current application.

After clicking on "Submit", please, download the application form with your answers (you will see the "Download" button below) and mail it to   We will get in touch with you as soon as we have processed your application and made a decision.

The mail you provide in the application form will be used to contact you with the current decision, to add you as a user of the SweLL data, and to inform of any potential changes in the access to (or use of) the data.





Name and surname
This question is compulsory
E-mail (will be used for adding you as a user of the data)
Invalid e-mail addressThis question is compulsory
Title (e.g. Mr, Ms, Prof, PhD, ...)