A study about the health care professionals' knowledge and the existence of policies regarding usage of medical adhesives in health care: a survey research.


The purpose of the questions in this online survey is to investigate the experiences of healthcare professionals regarding the application and removal of medical adhesives. The survey also includes questions about the existence of guidelines and clinical procedures in workplaces where medical adhesives are used. 

Medical adhesives are defined as adhesives used in medical devices to establish and maintain contact with the body over a period of time by application to the skin. They consist of a variety of products, including bandages and dressings for wound care, ostomy supplies and patches, adhesive film or tape to secure various catheters, tubes and electronic devices (e.g. adhesives used for securing ECG and EEG electrodes to the skin). Unless otherwise stated, the questions in this survey refer to tape and dressings.

Your participation is voluntary, and the data will be treated anonymously. The survey typically takes around 15 minutes to complete. For inquiries about the study, please feel free to contact doctoral student Tanja Duljic at tanja.duljic@oru.se or Professor Mats Eriksson at mats.h.eriksson@oru.se.


In what country do you work?
What gender do you identify as?
This question is compulsory
What is your age?
This question is compulsory
Years of professional experience (in your current field)?
This question is compulsory
Please specify the category of personnel you belong to.
This question is compulsory
Do you hold a position where you influence workplace routines? Multiple options can be selected.
This question is compulsory
In what type of care facility do you work?
This question is compulsory
How frequently do you utilize tape or dressings in your daily tasks?
This question is compulsory